Melissa Adkison launched her book

The Launch

Eek!  Just thinking about the launch of my book into the world for everyone to see causes butterflies in my stomach and my heart rate to elevate a bit.  Then, I remind myself: Inhale…..exhale.  Next, I remind myself of why I published my book.

The Why Behind The Launch

When I think back to the moment I resolved to write a children’s devotional, it seems more recent than 7 years ago.  I had been searching for a book for my elementary-aged daughter.  I wanted a tool to help me teach her who she was from God’s perspective, but I couldn’t find it in any of my local bookstores or online.  Frustrated, I silently prayed and asked God to help me find it.  God spoke to my heart and said, “I’ve already told you what it needs to include.  You write it.”

Everything is a Process

Although it took years to morph into the full 200 pages it is today, the backbone of the contents is exactly what I taught my daughter during her elementary years.  Learning the truths detailed in this book helped to establish her personal relationship with God. My purpose for launching it into the world is to share this tool with other parents.

If you’re like me and you find yourself launching into something new, remember these three things:

  1. Good things are in your future. The Bible says so in Jeremiah 29:11.
  2. You already have everything you need for today. The Bible says so in 2 Peter 1:3.
  3. Celebrate even the smallest victories. David, whom the Bible describes as a man after God’s own heart, wrote a significant portion of the Psalms in the Bible. David is well known for celebrating and praising God for the good things in his life even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

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