Take a Risk: One Strategy to Build Your Faith

Take a Risk: One Strategy to Build Your Faith

Deepening your relationship with God requires you to trust Him, and trusting God requires you to have faith.  One way to build your faith is to take a risk.  Here’s how you can take a godly risk.  

Take a Risk and Be a Blessing to Someone

Have you ever had a feeling that you were supposed to reach out to someone?  Out of the blue, you thought of a person you should call, or something reminded you of a good friend with whom you haven’t spent much time.   Or, maybe you felt led to do something kind for someone that you didn’t know that well.   If you’re like me, you felt so uncomfortable about it you might have even dismissed the idea.  How do we know that it’s really God?  I think Proverbs 3:5-6 sheds some light on this question.  

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Here’s how we can practically apply this scripture.

Stop trying to rationalize things in your own mind.

When you feel led to do something that seems risky or uncomfortable, decide to trust God rather than your own understanding.  Make this declaration: I will do what God tells me to do.  When you take this step, you will be fulfilling the first sentence in the scripture: Trust in the Lord will all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  

Talk to God about everything.

The next part of this scripture, “in all your ways acknowledge Him,” means that you can talk to God anytime about anything.  Rather than just wondering about whether or not you should take a risk, tell God you are uncertain and ask Him to give you wisdom.  By all means, make it simple, Sister.  This could be a 15-second prayer as you are driving to the grocery store.  Prayer does not have to be fancy nor elaborate.  Simple conversations with God throughout your day is a fantastic way to remain connected with Him.  

Go to God’s Word.

Finally, the last part of this scripture, “he will make straight your paths,” means that God will give you direction.  Filled with a vast amount of wisdom, the Bible should be our manual for life.  Reading scripture is how we learn about God’s character and wisdom on how to best live out our lives.  Do you feel like you have no idea what particular part of the Bible has the answer to your dilemma? Some Bibles have a topical index that can help you start on the right path, or you could ask a faith-filled friend to point you in the right direction.  At the very least, you can google “scripture about (your question).” Please always remember to verify that the scripture you find online is correct.  Bible Gateway is a reliable online source to quickly verify the accuracy of scripture.

Do you feel led to take a risk that will have a significant impact on your life?

Whether the risk you are considering is as small as complimenting someone or as weighty as changing careers and moving to the opposite side of the world, the same principles apply. God cares about the mammoth and minuscule things in your life; most of all, He loves you more than you could ever imagine. 

A question to ask yourself when presented with a risk is: Will this risk cause me to violate one of the 10 Commandments?  If your answer is yes, then your risk is probably not directed by God.  However, keep in mind that God loves you, and He desires for you to be safe.   

What if you take the wrong risk?

There is no perfect person, so we know that every person will get it wrong at one time or another.  Proverbs 24:16 teaches that even the righteous fall but they will get back up.  Especially when attempting to determine your purpose or calling, you learn of your strengths by first learning your weaknesses.  Sometimes you have to step out to find out.  Regardless of whether you fail or succeed, God is always with you and always ready to help you.  God has declared:

…I will never leave you nor forsake you.  -Hebrews 13:5

Want to learn more about What is the true purpose for your life or How to Clearly Hear God’s Voice and Know His Will? 

Pray about it!

Dear heavenly Father,

Thank You for loving me. Today, I am making the decision to do what you tell me to do. Please guide me to take godly risks. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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