If I Have a Bean, You Have a Bean

If I Have a Bean, You Have a Bean

“What’s the deal with beans?” you might be asking.  Well, beans are pretty significant in my family.  Well, not literally beans, but metaphorically speaking.  

A Bean of Money

Unexpected bills, a move to a new city, and a downturn in the economy do not always place a young adult’s finances in a healthy position.  While sorting through my mail one day, I noticed an unexpected envelope from my mom.  She had enclosed a check and a handwritten note, “If I have a bean, you have a bean.”  Immediately, I recalled the story of my grandmother “sharing some beans” with my mother.  I chuckled at the silly phrase, as my heart was warmed by the thoughtful and generous gift.  

A Bean of Encouragement

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to work correctly?   Maybe you discovered your washing machine wasn’t working after your dirty laundry was already piled up.   Before you could call a repairman, your house has an electrical surge and you lose electricity for the next 8 hours.

When I’ve had one of those days, I usually just need to vent to someone, and I have a habit of calling my sister.  My tone is typically agitated, and I barely allow my sister to speak a word until I have completed my rant.  My sister genuinely sympathizes with me; and then, encourages me that everything will be alright.  What my sister was really saying, is if “I have a bean of encouragement, you have a bean of encouragement.”

A Bean of Service

Recently, my 14-year-old daughter, Morgan, was visiting a family member.  Morgan knew this family was feeling a bit overwhelmed by life and needed some help with handiwork around the house.   Being young and unskilled with general contract work didn’t stop her from sharing a bean.  Morgan focused on what she could do, rather than what she could not do, by hopping on the lawnmower and helping to cut the grass.  She may not have worked on any appliances, but she certainly eliminated a necessary task and made a way for the skilled laborers to utilize their gifts.  

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace… – 1 Peter 4:10

Do you have any beans to share?

You might be thinking, “Well, that sounds all good, but I don’t have enough money or time for myself, and I long for someone to encourage me.  How could I possibly share what I don’t have?”

Allow me to challenge you to share a bean anyway.  As a matter of fact, I am praying for God to provide to each person reading this post “wisdom for beanly blessings” to share with someone else.   Even if it is something that seems small or trivial, please do not disregard it.  Sometimes small gestures create big impacts. 

Not only is my prayer for you to share some beanly blessings with others, but my prayer is for you to receive beanly blessings too! One thing that will always increase the blessings in your life is to bless others.   How can I be so sure of that? It’s a promise found in the Bible.

Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.  – Galatians 6:7

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