Faith is Like Gravity

Faith is Like Gravity

When you throw a ball up into the air, do you wonder if the ball will fall back toward the ground or keep accelerating into space? That’s an absurd question, right? You may not be able to see gravity, but you trust its existence because you constantly see the effects of gravity. When you jump up, you plop back to the ground.  Ice cream splatters on the floor when your child loses their grip on their waffle cone.  While playing on a swing set, even toddlers realize that the seat of their swing returns to its original position after being thrust upward.   

Faith is similar to gravity.  You can’t see it, but the effects are undeniable.

Recently, I heard of a conversation between a grown man and his mother.  Reflecting upon his childhood, he commented, “Mom, I don’t know how you supported my sister and me all of those years only making minimum wage.  It’s funny that I never realized we were poor!”

He grew up experiencing the effects of faith. 

Despite their circumstances, his mother lived her life joyfully and held tightly to the hope of a better future.  

Because of her faith, this family has been redeemed from lack.  Today, the son is a teacher and the daughter has a career in law enforcement.  The mom furthered her education and now works in the pediatric medical field.  Each child she encounters is literally faced with a sign on her wall that states, “Fearfully and wonderfully made.”

I can tell you from first-hand experience, that as my daughter and I read her sign, I was immediately filled with peace and encouragement, and I was reminded of the goodness of God.  One can only imagine the number of people who have experienced the effects of her faith.

Where do you place your faith? defines faith as confidence or trust in a person or thing.  Whether intentional or not, you have placed your faith in something.  God desires for us to place our faith in Him; however, we are free to choose other things such as the government, a spouse, a career, etc.  Some even choose to place their faith in bad luck. 

Friend, let me challenge you!

Be intentional about where you place your faith.

Here are some ways to help you place your faith in God.

  • Commit to reading your Bible every day.  Trust me, even 5 minutes counts!
  • Confess God’s Word. Click here to access free downloadable confession cards for parents, families, overcoming anxiety, overcoming sadness, depression, and overwhelm.
  • Regularly spend time with a faith-filled friend.

Prayer for You

Dear heavenly Father,

Please help me to intentionally place my faith in You. I want my life to reflect the effects of this faith so that my life will be a blessing to others.  Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' name, I pray.  Amen!

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