Faith in God

Faith in God

As Cory was pulling her car out of her driveway, her neighbor, Anna, was out for her morning walk.  Cory rolled down her window as Anna approached the car.

“How’s your day going, Cory?”

With a half-hearted smile, Cory answered, “Oh, it’s one of those days.  This week has been a rough week at work.  I had hoped that my weekend would be relaxing, but that’s impossible now.”

“What happened?” Anna inquired.

“My daughter, Sara, spilled an entire cup of grape juice on the carpet in the family room; so now, I need to purchase some carpet cleaner.  To top that off, my freezer stopped working, and I have a ton of food I need to cook before it spoils,” griped Cory.

“Oh, no! That’s a terrible start to your Saturday, Cory.  What can I do to help? Do you need to store some food in my freezer?” sympathized Anna.

“Thank you, but everything is already defrosted.   A repairman is scheduled to work on the freezer this afternoon.”

“Okay, but call me if you change your mind.  Cory, I will be praying for you to have peace today and for your freezer to be fixed soon.”

“Thanks, Anna.  I have to admit, I haven’t been too motivated to pray or read my Bible this week.”

Surprised, Anna responded, “That’s not like you.  Are you still participating in your women’s devotional group?”

“I just don’t have the time.  My job is requiring me to work more, and I haven’t been able to keep up with things at home.  There aren’t enough hours in the day.”

“Cory, think about your daughter, Sara.  If she were an adult in your situation, what would you tell her?” 

Cory shook her head and sighed, “I have no idea.”

Anna continued, “You are so worn out that you are not thinking straight.  I’ve known you for a long time, and the Cory that I know would have answered that question much differently.  Here’s the advice you would give to your daughter:

Rest is Important 

God instructs us in the Ten Commandments to rest regularly by keeping the Sabbath holy. 

Regularly surround yourself with other believers.

The Bible teaches us to be in fellowship with people who will encourage us in our faith journey.  You can’t hear from God or have peace if you aren’t resting in faith and intentionally spending time with Him. 

Cory knew in her heart that her friend was correct and nodded her head in agreement.  “Although, it sure is easier said than done.  Do you ever know what you need to do, but you just don’t seem to have the strength to do it?”

“Uh, yeah!  Everyone feels that way from time to time,” consoled Cory.  When you feel that way, honestly ask yourself this question.  Are you placing your faith in yourself or in God?”

Cory’s eyes widened, “That’s a good point.”

Anna continued, “I believe that when I don’t intentionally make time for God, I am actually saying one or both of these statements.

  1. I don’t believe that God cares enough about me to hear my prayers or help me.
  2. I can handle my life better than God can.

“That helps me to place my faith in God, and make rest and time with God a priority.”

Cory responded, “You’re so right.  I need to intentionally set aside time to recuperate.”

Anna smiled at her friend; and stated, “Awhile back, a friend shared some wise advice with me.  She said that every time I neglect to take time to rejuvenate myself, I am modeling destructive behavior to my daughter.  I am teaching her that it’s okay to neglect herself.  Furthermore, it’s okay to sacrifice her emotional, physical, and mental health in order to serve others.”

“Wow, that’s pretty harsh, Anna!”

“Yes, it seems harsh, but think about it.  Is it truthful?”

Cory processed her friend’s question.  “Well, I know that if I had rested and spent more time with God this week, my week would have been more positive.  Despite the pressures of this week, I could’ve had more peace. When I focus more on how God loves me, I realize He will always help me.”

“Exactly,” exclaimed Anna.  “That’s more like the Cory I know!”  Cory chuckled at her friend’s enthusiasm.   Anna continued, “I know that on my own, there’s no way I can flawlessly be a great mom, wife, and worker. 

However, through faith in God, I will succeed at whatever He has called me to accomplish. 

When I make a mistake; which inevitably I will, God fills in the gap.”

When you place your faith in God, rather than yourself, 

you enter into a fail-proof plan. 

You might experience some hiccups along the path, but you WILL succeed in God’s timing. 

When you confess God's truth over your life, YOUR FAITH WILL INCREASE.

Romans 10:17

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