7 Ways to Easily Create Joy in Your Day

7 Ways to Easily Create Joy in Your Day

Do you believe that just because you are a Christian you will automatically have a life filled with overflowing joy? While it would certainly be wonderful, that’s not typically the case.  Most of us must deliberately find ways to create joy in our day.    

…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. – Galatians 5:22-23 ESV

1. Be Intentional

God’s Word is clear.  He desires for you to have joy.  Unfortunately, you have an enemy that desires to steal that joy from you as indicated in John 10:10. For you to have joy, you will need to come to grips with the fact in order to have joy regularly, you will need to intentionally create joy in your day.  

2. Listen to Uplifting Music

Positive music is a fantastic mood booster and can literally change the atmosphere.  Listening to an uplifting worship song is not only a way to easily create joy, but it also intimately connects you to your heavenly Father.  

I will find joy and be glad about you. I will make music to praise your name, O Most High.

-Psalm 9:2 GW

Here’s a link to a song that is bound to bring joy to your heart.   

3. Soak up Some Sunshine

It’s a proven fact that good old vitamin D can create joy in your spirit.  This link to healthline.com touts that you only need 5-15 minutes of sunlight 2-3 times per week.

4. Bring Joy to Someone Else

At the very least, when you focus on ways to bring joy to someone else, you become less focused on your own problems.  God’s Word, specifically Galatians 6, teaches that whatever you give out to others will be returned to you.  

5. Be Thankful

Reflecting on things for which you’re thankful is an easy way to create joy in your day.  This article includes an example of how being thankful can lead to a joyfully good attitude. 

6. Move Your Body

Even a small gesture such as standing and stretching can help boost your mood, but to create joy, find something you enjoy.  If you like dancing, take a 5-minute break and dance by yourself to your favorite song.  If you’re not into exercising, watch your favorite tv show while you do 10 minutes of floor exercises, or find a fun friend to be your workout buddy.   

Here’s some more encouragement about the benefits of moving your body to create joy in your day.  Strong Body Strong Spirit – It’s God’s desire for you.

7. Smile to Create Joy in Your Day

Are you rolling your eyes and dismissing the suggestion to exercise? No worries; just try the simple act of smiling.  According to verywellmind.com, even a fake or forced smile still sends the message that “Life is good!” to your brain and, ultimately, the rest of your body.

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. – Psalms 16:11 ESV

Pray about it!

Dear heavenly Father,

Thank You for showing me my path of life. Help me to intentionally create joy in every day and help me to remember that you have many pleasures in store for me. Thank You for hearing my prayer. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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