2 Simple Ways to Kick-Start Your Faith

2 Simple Ways to Kick-Start Your Faith

Would you like to kick-start your faith?  These two things are a sure-fire way to build your faith.

1. Read the Bible to Kick-Start Your Faith

Have you ever heard anyone say, “I just can’t wait to sit down and read my Bible!” Beyond a doubt, no one has ever confessed that to me.  All believers know they should read the Bible, so why is this such a struggle? Craftily and deliberately, Satan sets traps for believers to be distracted from reading the Bible because he is well aware of Hosea 4:6.   

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge… 

Our enemy knows that when we are ignorant of God’s Word, our lives will be negatively affected, and we will not live out the good plans that God intended for us.

Unmistakably, Satan is well versed with scripture, and he warps God’s Word to tempt people to sin.  In Genesis 3, Satan tricked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit by twisting God’s Word.  Another example of Satan’s knowledge of God’s Word is in Matthew 4:6 in which he tempted Jesus by quoting scripture.

Today, Satan works through countless ways to trick you into believing you aren’t enough; you aren’t smart enough, your experience is not enough, you aren’t good enough, you aren’t attractive enough, etc.  What’s your ‘not enough’?   

The good news of the Bible teaches that because of Jesus, you are enough.  You were wonderfully made, and there is nothing that can separate you from God’s love.  However, if you don’t know what God’s Word says, Satan has the upper hand, and you are more susceptible to believing the lies of Satan.  

The Holy Spirit Will Remind You of What You Have Read

Much of the time, when you read the Bible, you will not realize precisely how the words on the page directly apply to your life.  However, the Holy Spirit will remind you of what you have read when you need it most.

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. – John 14:26    

One day a friend of mine texted a harsh message to me that immediately angered me.  I thought, How dare she say that to me!  Before I hatefully responded to her message, I thought of Ephesians 6:12 which teaches us that demonic spirits work through people to offend us.  Beyond a doubt, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the scripture I had memorized several years before that moment.  Because I had previously learned that scripture, I was able to use wisdom by praying about the message rather than retaliating. A couple of days later, my friend confessed that she was stressed and worried about a family conflict that had occurred earlier in the week, and I was once again reminded of Ephesians 6:12.  I thought, her harsh words had nothing to do with me and everything to do with her family conflict

We prayed about the conflict, and I encouraged my friend with God’s Word.  If the Holy Spirit had not reminded me of that scripture when I received the text, I am certain that I would have responded with a text that likely would have created a wedge within our friendship.

The Holy Spirit is Unable to Remind You of God’s Word If You Haven’t Previously Read or Heard God’s Word

God has given you the choice to choose Him, so He will not miraculously download scripture into your mind and heart.  If you haven’t already become acquainted with scripture, the Holy Spirit is literally unable to remind you of it.  It is impossible to remember something if you haven’t previously known it.  

2. Be Consistent

You cannot survive if you eat only once a month, or even once a week.  Likewise, you must be consistent concerning drinking water, sleeping, etc., and the same holds true to feeding on God’s Word.    

And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. – James 1:4

Do you struggle with understanding the Bible when you read it? Try reading a different version; such as, the New Living Translation, to kick-start your faith.  Did you know that the Bible App has more than 1,600 versions of the Bible, and it is all free? Better yet, many versions are audible versions.  Someone literally reads the Bible to you!  If you don’t want to view it on your phone, Bible Gateway is a similar free platform and is accessible from your computer. Read How to Clearly Hear God’s Voice and Know His Will for more ideas.  

Just Start

I guarantee you will never find the perfect time to consistently read or listen to your Bible, but you need an initial start to begin the kick-start.  You will always have other things that are calling for your attention, and Satan will always attempt to trick you into believing that you don’t have time for it. 

Some is Better Than None

Don’t get tripped up by thinking that you have to spend at least a certain amount of time feeding on God’s Word.  Even if you spend two minutes thinking about one verse, you are better off than not spending any time in His Word.  

So faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ. – Romans 10:17

Pray about it!

Dear heavenly Father,

Thank You for giving me wisdom. Please help me to consistently feed on Your Word. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

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